Acceptable Use Policy
Users of services are required to agree and conform to the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use policies as defined in the topics below. Violations of these policies may result in loss of service or disciplinary action.
- Security and Cracking
These abuses are taken very seriously.
This policy simply requires that you use your account responsibly. Breaking into other systems, trying to break into ours, forging messages - all of this is illegal and inappropriate for our user base. - Use of services to engage in any type of fraud, "cracking", malicious behavior, or harassment is expressly forbidden and may constitute a cybercrime under the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (see ECT Act) which renders you liable to a fine or imprisonment. Interference with the proper operation of systems reachable via the Internet is forbidden. Forging e-mail or other messages are forbidden.
- We do not condone or encourage any illegal material or behavior.
- If inappropriate activity is detected, all accounts of the user in question will be deactivated until the investigation is complete. Prior notification to the user is not assured. In extreme cases, law enforcement will be contacted regarding the activity.
- This policy simply requires that you use your accounts responsibly. Breaking into other systems, trying to break into ours, forging messages - all of this is illegal and inappropriate for our userbase.
Because of the potential legal and technical risks these activities can present to our service, we deactivate first, and ask questions later. This is necessary to protect our service for all our customers.